Marktumfrage durch die Europäische Kommission

Die Europäische Kommission hat eine Marktumfrage unter Betreibern von Kontaktzentren gestartet, um eine künftige Ausschreibung für das Europe Direct Contact Centre (EDCC) der Kommission vorzubereiten.

Die Europäische Kommission betreibt – über einen externen Auftragnehmer oder ein Vertragskonsortium – das Europe Direct Contact Centre (EDCC), das den Bürgern eine zentrale Anlaufstelle für EU-bezogene Fragen bietet. Die Bürger erreichen das EDCC über die EU-Kontaktseite, unter der gebührenfreien Telefonnummer 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 aus den Mitgliedstaaten und unter +32 22 99 96 96 aus Drittländern sowie schriftlich über ein Online-Webformular und per Messenger. Die Bürger können ihre Fragen in allen 24 EU-Amtssprachen sowie in Ukrainisch und Russisch stellen und erhalten entsprechende Antworten. Im Jahr 2023 beantwortete der EDCC fast 170.000 Bürgeranfragen.

Für das Jahr 2025 plant die Generaldirektion Kommunikation (GD COMM) der Europäischen Kommission ein wettbewerbsorientiertes Vergabeverfahren für die Bereitstellung der EDCC-Dienste. Derzeit verfügt die Kommission über einen Rahmenvertrag für diese Dienstleistungen (COMM/2020/OP/0015), der bis Anfang 2026 läuft.

Die GD COMM startet nun eine Marktumfrage, die Hintergrundwissen über die wichtigsten geplanten Dienste liefern soll:
Es handelt sich hierbei um eine vorläufige Markterkundung. Alle Antworten müssen bis spätestens 24. Oktober 2024, 12.00 Uhr MEZ, eingereicht werden.

Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie unten stehend in der Originalnachricht der Europäischen Kommission:

Market survey among contact centre operators – in preparation of the future call for tenders for the Europe Direct Contact Centre (EDCC) of the European Commission

The European Commission – through an external contractor or contractual consortium – operates the Europe Direct Contact Centre (EDCC), offering citizens a single entry point for EU-related questions. Citizens reach the EDCC via the EU contact page, under the free phone number 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 from Member States and under +32 22 99 96 96 from third countries, as well as in writing through an online webform and via Messenger. Citizens can ask their questions and receive their replies in all 24 official EU languages, Ukrainian and Russian. The EDCC replied to almost 170 000 citizens’ questions in 2023.

In 2025, the Directorate-General for Communication (DG COMM) of the European Commission (EC) plans to launch a competitive procurement process on the provision of the EDCC services. The Commission currently has a framework contract in place covering these services (COMM/2020/OP/0015) until early 2026.

The current Framework Contract for the operation of the Europe Direct Contact Centre covers the following services:

  • All aspects necessary to operate the contact centre, including maintaining the technical infrastructure.
  • Receiving and managing citizens’ requests. The centre replies to most enquires (95%) at first level, while certain questions can be escalated to Commission services for expert support.
  • Recruiting and training of staff (working languages cover all 24 EU official languages, Ukrainian and Russian)
  • Keeping a knowledgebase containing information to be used for staff when answering enquiries.
  • Monitoring and reporting, as well as internal quality control.

DG COMM is now launching this market survey that will provide some background knowledge from market operators on the main envisaged services:

Please note that this is a preliminary market-sounding exercise, it constitutes neither a call for tenders nor an invitation to tender.

The future call for tenders will be published at EU Funding & Tenders Portal:

Target group of the market survey
DG COMM invites all interested economic operators active in the contact centre market to respond to this market survey.

Response format
Please respond to this market survey by using the available questionnaire. Most answers can be provided in a closed format, while allowing for additional comments in free text fields. Respondents are requested to be short and concise in their feedback.

Supplementary information
Any further information, comments, views, or suggestions, which the economic operator believes would be of assistance to DG COMM may be included in the “Additional information” section at the end of the questionnaire. This also allows upload of files.

DG COMM will treat responses strictly confidential. For reporting, they may be aggregated.
Respondents are to be aware that submissions may be subject to disclosure under the Regulation No. 1049/2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents.

Deadline for responses
All responses must be submitted no later than 12.00 PM CET on 24 October 2024.

For this market research, clarification questions to the contracting authority are not possible.
Clarification questions from the contracting authority to respondents are also not envisaged. 
The survey is set-up with non-obligatory questions, which means that the survey may be completed and submitted anonymously and that some questions do not need to be answered.

Thank you for your participation!